Milo PV - BD Solar 1 LLC
Milo Business Park, Park Stree, Milo, ME 4463Plant Summary Information
Milo PV - BD Solar 1 LLC is ranked #4 out of 68 solar farms in Maine in terms of total annual net electricity generation.
Milo PV - BD Solar 1 LLC generated 4.6 GWh during the 3-month period between September 2023 to December 2023.
Plant Name | Milo PV - BD Solar 1 LLC |
Utility Name | BD Solar 1 LLC |
Location | Piscataquis County, ME |
Initial Operation Date | June 2021 |
Last Update | Dec 2023 |
Annual Generation | 25.2 GWh |
Annual Consumption | 89.7 k MMBtu |
Ranked #4,785 out of 11,866 Power Plants Nationwide | |
Ranked #1,093 out of 5,672 Solar Power Plants Nationwide | |
Ranked #64 out of 161 Maine Power Plants | |
Ranked #4 out of 68 Maine Solar Power Plants | |
Fuel Types | Solar |
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Monthly Net Generation for Milo PV - BD Solar 1 LLC
Milo PV - BD Solar 1 LLC Details
Summary Information | |
Plant Name | Milo PV - BD Solar 1 LLC (63894) |
Plant Address | Milo Business Park, Park Stree, Milo, ME 4463 |
Utility | BD Solar 1 LLC (63568) |
Latitude, Longitude | 45.267, -68.991 |
Generation Dates on File | Jun 2021 to Dec 2023 |
Initial Operation Date | June 2021 |
Annual Generation | 25.2 GWh |
Fuel Types | Solar |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Information | |
FERC Cogeneration Status | No |
FERC Small Power Producer Status | Yes |
FERC Small Power Producer Docket Number | 18-1426-00, 18-1426-01 |
FERC Exempt Wholesale Generator Status | No |
Regulatory Information | |
Regulatory Status | Non-Regulated |
NERC Region | NPCC |
Balancing Authority | ISO New England Inc. (ISNE) |
NAICS Code | Utilities (22) |
Sector | IPP Non-CHP (2) |
Water Source | |
Ash Impoundment | |
Transmission / Distribution Owner | Central Maine Power Co (3266) ME |
Grid Voltage | 46.00 kV |
Energy Storage | No |
Generator MILPV Details Operating June 2021
Technology | Solar Photovoltaic |
Prime Mover | Photovoltaic |
Ownership | Single Owner |
Nameplate Capacity | 20 MW |
Summer Capacity | 20 MW |
Winter Capacity | 20 MW |
Uprate/Derate Completed | No |
Status | Operating |
First Operation Date | June 2021 |
Combined Heat & Power | No |
Sector Name | IPP Non-CHP (2) |
Energy Source | Solar |
Solar Details | |
Single Axis Tracking | Yes |
Azimuth Angle | 180 |
Tilt Angle | 25 |
DC Net Capacity | 27.4 MW |
Crystalline Silicon | Yes |
Net Metering Agreement | No |
Virtual Net Metering Agreement | No |
Milo PV - BD Solar 1 LLC Plant Owners
Owner Name | Address | Ownership | We couldn't locate any owners for this plant |
Power Plants with Similar Net Generation
Power plants with a similar annual net generation from Solar.
Rank | Plant Name | Plant Location | Annual Generation |
#1083 | SunE EPE1 LLC | Chaparral, NM | 25.6 GWh |
#1084 | Rio Rancho Solar Energy Center | Rio Rancho, NM | 25.6 GWh |
#1085 | Twittys Creek Solar, LLC | Keysville, VA | 25.5 GWh |
#1086 | Energix Hollyfield, LLC | Manquin, VA | 25.5 GWh |
#1087 | Heber Solar | Heber, CA | 25.5 GWh |
#1088 | Selmer I | Selmer, TN | 25.5 GWh |
#1089 | Rio Communities Solar Energy Center | Rio Communities, NM | 25.5 GWh |
#1090 | Gardy's Mill Solar | Kinsale, VA | 25.5 GWh |
#1091 | Oro Loma | Oro Loma, CA | 25.3 GWh |
#1092 | Cottonwood Solar, LLC (Goose Lake) | Lost Hills, CA | 25.3 GWh |
#1094 | TPE Erath Solar, LLC | Stephenville, TX | 25.2 GWh |
#1095 | Camilla Solar Plant | Pelham, GA | 25.2 GWh |
#1096 | Grand Ridge Solar Farm | Marseilles, IL | 25.1 GWh |
#1097 | Longboat Solar, LLC | Barstow, CA | 25.1 GWh |
#1098 | Turrill Solar Farm | Lapeer, MI | 25.1 GWh |
#1099 | South Valley Solar Energy Center | Albuquerque, NM | 25.0 GWh |
#1100 | Bryan Solar, LLC | Presidio, TX | 24.9 GWh |
#1101 | Latitude Solar Center | Whiteville, TN | 24.9 GWh |
#1102 | Vikings Energy Farm | Holtville, CA | 22.6 GWh |
#1103 | Mulberry Farm LLC | Selmer, TN | 24.8 GWh |
Nearby Power Plants
Below are closest 20 power plants surrounding Milo PV - BD Solar 1 LLC.
Plant Name | Plant Location | Annual Generation | Distance |
Broadway Solar (CSG) | Bangor, ME | 1.3 GWh | 29.6 mi |
Corkwood Solar (CSG) | Howland, ME | 344.0 MWh | 15.8 mi |
Dynamic Corinth (CSG) | Corinth, ME | 4.0 GWh | 17.7 mi |
Eastern Maine Medical Center | Bangor, ME | 31.3 GWh | 33.8 mi |
Great Lakes Hydro America - ME | Millinocket, ME | 737.2 GWh | 29.7 mi |
Harmony Solar | Harmony, ME | 9.4 GWh | 33.6 mi |
Indeck West Enfield Energy Center | West Enfield, ME | 13.5 GWh | 17.7 mi |
Maine Independence Station | Veazie, ME | 936.9 GWh | 33.5 mi |
Medway Hydro | Medway, ME | 27.5 GWh | 31.9 mi |
Milford Hydro Station | Milford, ME | 53.0 GWh | 28.1 mi |
Milo CSG | Milo, ME | 6.0 GWh | 2 mi |
Orono B | Orono, ME | 25.5 GWh | 30.9 mi |
Orono Hydro Station | Orono, ME | 11.6 GWh | 31.1 mi |
Palmyra PV - BD Solar Palmyra LLC | Palmyra, ME | 7.8 GWh | 33.4 mi |
Pumpkin Hill | Lowell, ME | 5.5 GWh | 26.2 mi |
Red Shield Envir Old Town Facility | Old Town, ME | 66.3 GWh | 29.7 mi |
Rollins Wind Project | Winn Village, ME | 132.2 GWh | 30.2 mi |
Stillwater B | Old Town, ME | 12.8 GWh | 28.7 mi |
Stillwater Hydro Station | Stillwater, ME | 12.1 GWh | 28.9 mi |
West Enfield Hydro | West Enfield, ME | 100.4 GWh | 16.7 mi |