Wood Hydro, LLC

711 East Turtle Point Drive IVins, UT 84738

Company Summary Information

Wood Hydro, LLC is ranked #4,399 out of 4,872 utilities nationwide in terms of total annual net electricity generation, and they are ranked #382 out of 406 utilities in terms of total annual net electricity generation from hydroelectric conventional.

Company NameWood Hydro, LLC
Location711 East Turtle Point Drive IVins, UT 84738
EIA Utility TypeIndependent Power Producer
EIA Utility DatesJan 2018 to Oct 2023
EIA Annual Generation 1.0 GWh
EIA Power Plants3
Fuel Types Hydroelectric Conventional
Ranked #4,399 out of 4,872 Utilities Nationwide by Annual Generation
Ranked #382 out of 406 Utilities Nationwide in terms of Hydroelectric Conventional Generation

Map of Wood Hydro, LLC Locations

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Monthly Electricity Generation by Type

Monthly electricity generation by source as reported by the EIA

Power Plants Operated by Wood Hydro, LLC

PlantLocationAnnual GenerationInitial Operation DateLast UpdateFuel Types
Dietrich DropShoshone, Idaho11 GWhJul 1990Oct 2023 Water
Magic Dam Hydroelectric ProjectShoshone, Idaho20 GWhApr 1989Sep 2023 Water
Mile 28 Water Power ProjectEden, Idaho4 GWhMay 1994Oct 2023 Water

Other Companies Listed Alphabetically

A list of companies close to Wood Hydro, LLC when arranged alphabetically. They do not neccessarily have any association with Wood Hydro, LLC.

Company NameCompany LocationEIA Annual
FERC 2024 Q2
Wolf Creek Nuclear OPTG CorpBurlington, KS10.0 TWh-
Wolf Hills Energy LLCBristol, VA-$3.97M
Wolf Hollow I Power, LLCGranbury, TX3.3 TWh-
Wolf Run Energy LLCOmaha, ME70.8 GWh$825.54k
Wolfcastle Solar, LLCSan Francisco, CA4.3 GWh-
Wollan Garden LLCMinneapolis, MN1.5 GWh-
Wolverine Creek Energy LLCChicago, IL-$3.31M
Wolverine Power Supply CoopCadillac, MI990.5 GWh$177.52M
Wolverine Wind Energy, LLCGreenfield, IA4.4 GWh-
Wonderful Renewable Energy, LLC.LOS Angeles, CA114.8 GWh-
Woodbridge Energy CenterKeasbey, NJ4.5 TWh-
Woodfields Solar, LLCAsheville, NC4.5 GWh-
Woodland Avenue Solar 1, LLCBoston, MA8.7 GWh-
Woodland Biomass Power Ltd.Detroit, MI-$4.28M
Woodland Pulp LLCBaileyville, ME402.6 GWh$9.36k
Woodlawn Solar II, LLCSan Francisco, CA3.9 GWh-
Woodlawn Solar, LLCSan Francisco, CA4.4 GWh-
Woodline Solar, LLCAsheville, NC17.9 GWh-
Woods Hill Solar, LLCAndover, MA25.9 GWh-
Workman Road Solar Farm, LLCSanta Monica, CA3.8 GWh-