Summary of Electricity Activity in Wiscasset, ME

Summary of Wiscasset, ME Generation

Wiscasset, ME is ranked #4,837 out of 5,515 U.S. cities nationwide and #73 out of 76 Maine cities in terms of total annual net electricity generation.

Annual Generation 735.0 MWh
Annual Consumption 8.7 k MMBtu
Last UpdateDec 2023
Power Plants2
Companies on File2
Power Plants in 50 Mile Radius 104
Power Plants in 100 Mile Radius 242

Map of Top Producing Plants in Wiscasset, ME

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Overall National Rank

#4,837 /5,515 U.S. Cities

In Net Annual Generation

Overall State Rank

#73 /76 Maine Cities

In Net Annual Generation

Overall Annual Net Geneneration

2.5 GWh

Total Annual Fuel Consumption

8.7 k MMBtu

Electric Companies in Wiscasset, ME


Wiscasset, ME
Power Plants


Annual Net Generation From solar power

2.5 GWh

National Rank in Terms of solar Net Electricity Generation

#2,259 /2,663 U.S. Cities

State Rank in Terms of solar Net Electricity Generation

#31 /40 Maine Cities

Net Generation by Fuel Source

Net Generation by Fuel Source Breakdown

State RankNational RankGenerationFuel Consumption
All#73 / 76#4837 / 55152.54 GWh8.67 k MMBtu
Solar#31 / 40#2259 / 26632.54 GWh8.67 k MMBtu

Monthly Net Generation for Wiscasset, ME

Power Plants in Wiscasset, ME

PlantUtility NameGenerationConsumptionFuel Types
Cenergy - Wiscasset (CSG)Luminace Sunbeam Development Holdings, LLC2.5 GWh8.7 k MMBtu Solar
Mason SteamFPL Energy Mason LLC0.0 Wh0 MMBtu No Information Available

Electricity Generation for Neighboring Cities

National RankCityNet Generation# Power Plants
#3254Augusta21.8 GWh6
#2061Brunswick134.4 GWh2
#3527Farmingdale15.4 GWh2
#4365Gardiner4.9 GWh1
#5140Hallowell1.0 GWh1
#1392Lewiston382.5 GWh9
#2164Lisbon Falls113.5 GWh1
#4266Randolph5.8 GWh1
#2392Topsham77.1 GWh2
#4295Waldoboro5.5 GWh1

* Net Generation data is based on the last 12 months since Dec 2023